One Just Like Me

This weekend, as we gather for worship, Pastor Jim Renke will be sharing from Genesis 2:18-25. This passage contains a vision for the way God has equipped male and female to carry out his purpose together.

General Announcements

First Hour Class:  “Navigating Today’s Issues”

For the months of June and July we are offering one class which will help us gain perspective on approaching some of today’s most vital issues and concerns.  Come for a panel presentation and discussion  -  as we learn to walk together in a complicated world.  The schedule:

June 23 Immigration

June 30 Sex and Gender

July 14 Creation Care

July 21 Materialism/Consumerism

July 28 Christians and War







VCL Youth– There is no youth group this week. We will see you at the church picnic today for games, food, and fun!




 Missionary of the week: Please pray for Ian and Teri Rutter, France, this week.



 Hot Dog!  Today’s the day!  Please join us after the service at Whytegate Park (across the street) for our annual church picnic. Come on over, grab a name tag and find a spot. Serving begins at 12:30.



 Semi Annual Congregational Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. on June 30.   We will be approving Ann Forman as a new member of our nominating committee.

 VCL Directory!  For the next couple of weeks we will have  proof copies of our new 2024 directory in the foyer.  Please take a look at it and make sure your information is correct before we send it off to the printer.  Need corrections?  Please fill out the form provided and leave it in the basket.  Thank you!



















Giving & Financial Update

It’s important that we continue to embody our trust in the Lord’s provision through faithful, sacrificial giving. Please visit and make your offering as an intentional act of faith.

Although online giving is available, you may also write and mail your checks to Village Church of Lincolnshire, 201 Riverwoods Rd, Lake Forest, IL 60045

General Fund Giving for June 2024

                                                                      Last Week                   Year to Date

Actual Giving June 16, 2024………………………………$4.258……………………………$214,796

General Fund Budget 2024 …………………………… $10,164 ……………………………$243,932

Variation to Budget ………………………………………($5,906) ……………………………($29,137)



Please download today’s Order of Worship. Sermon notes included with Order of Worship.

This Sunday’s stream will be available on 6/23 at 10:30 AM. You can access it any time by clicking here.


The Reason We Hide


A Garden, A Purpose, Two Trees