Our Ministry Partners


Mosaic House Ministries

Mosaic House Ministries, “creates space where people can gather to experience God through biblical teaching, fellowship, eating together, and prayer (Acts 2:42), and then go from that place to serve our community in meaningful and tangible ways. We are a discipleship community on God’s mission together.”


A Safe Place

“A Safe Place provides a 24-hour crisis line, case management, legal advocacy, emergency shelter, individual and group therapy, art therapy, affordable transitional and permanent housing, scattered site housing, outreach and supportive services to survivors of domestic violence & human trafficking and their children, mentoring for adolescent boys, supervised custody exchanges, supervised family visitations, education for teens on healthy relationships, community and professional education, and intervention services for abusers to learn accountability for their choices and actions. Our mission-focused work is guided by our philosophy. A Safe Place is the leading advocate for eliminating domestic violence and human trafficking in northern Illinois.”

Informed Choices

Informed Choices is a crisis pregnancy center seeking to help women who have had an unplanned pregnancy, learn more about the choices she has in front of her and what each choice means, for the present and the future.