Worship the Creator
This Sunday we will praise our creator with song and spoken word, maker of heaven and earth. Jim Stamoolis will share with us out of Genesis 1:4-2:3, God's creative and redemptive story. We will also hear about God's work in Cambodia from John and Kaye Lyons directly after the service.
General Announcements
First Hour Class: “Navigating Today’s Issues”
For the months of June and July we are offering one class which will help us gain perspective on approaching some of today’s most vital issues and concerns. Come for a panel presentation and discussion - as we learn to walk together in a complicated world. The schedule:
June 9 Christian Nationalism
June 16 Racial Justice
June 23 Immigration
June 30 Sex and Gender
July 14 Creation Care
July 21 Materialism/Consumerism
July 28 Christians and War
VCL Youth– Pull up a beanbag and join us tonight, 06.9, at 5:30 PM in the Great Room as we kick-off our summer movie series. We’re watching The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Plenty of movie snacks provided! The movie ends around 8:00 PM.
HOPE FOR THE SILENT VOICES invites you to hear and see what God is continuing to do in Cambodia. John and Kaye Lyons will be doing a brief presentation on their recent three month trip to Cambodia immediately following the worship service. A light lunch will be served.
Missionary of the week: Please pray for Heidi Ramer, Australia, this week.
VCL Men : Please mark your calendar for the Men’s Fellowship & Prayer on Saturday June 15 at 8:00 a.m.
It's the Annual Village Church Picnic, Sunday, June 23rd following the morning service. Join us at Whytegate Park across the street. Look for The Chicago Hot Dog Cart! There will be plenty of room to spread out and enjoy the great outdoors. Pickle ball or basketball? Bring your equipment! And please bring your own chairs. Questions? Contact Karen at 847.962.6784 or call Jan in the church office. SIGN UP in the foyer and let us know what you can bring.
Ministry Opportunity: On Saturday, 6/15, we have an opportunity to help those in need with furniture deliveries and pickups. We meet at Love INC at 8am-noon to load the trucks. Those who are able, please contact Ernie Brandt at coachb1925@aol.com or 224-217-1966. The address is 339 Lakewood Ave. in Waukegan.
Semi Annual Congregational Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. on June 30.
Giving & Financial Update
It’s important that we continue to embody our trust in the Lord’s provision through faithful, sacrificial giving. Please visit http://evcl.org/give/ and make your offering as an intentional act of faith.
Although online giving is available, you may also write and mail your checks to Village Church of Lincolnshire, 201 Riverwoods Rd, Lake Forest, IL 60045
General Fund Giving for June 2024
Last Week Year to Date
Actual Giving June 2, 2024……………………………… $8,374……………………………$198,880
General Fund Budget 2024 …………………………… $10,164 ……………………………$223,605
Variation to Budget …………………………………………($1,790)……………………………($27,725)
Please download today’s Order of Worship. Sermon notes included with Order of Worship.
This Sunday’s stream will be available on 6/9 at 10:30 AM. You can access it any time by clicking here.