Unspoiled Hope
This morning, we’ll witness baptism as one of our own follows Christ in this act of worship. Through songs, prayers and the Word, we’ll magnify the Lord together, Pastor Jim Renke will lead us through 1 Peter 1:3-9, as we consider the strength and hope that is ours as exiles in this world.
General Announcements
First Hour Classes:
The Messiah in the Movies led by Sam & Miranda George. Can films reveal the true, hidden longings of humans for God?
Spiritual Disciplines. Exploring the meaning and practices of various disciplines which encourage and guide us in spiritual growth. Carol Marshall will be leading us next Sunday, April 28th, as we look at Silence and Solitude.
VCL Youth— Join us tonight, 4.21 at 6:00 pm, for a lesson about Jesus’s humility and love. There will be snacks and games after the devotional and prayer time.
Virtual Prayer Gathering: This Tuesday night, 4/23, 7:00 pm, we’ll be gathering on Zoom for our prayer meeting. Come join us for a meaningful time of prayer—all from the comfort of your own living room. Zoom details to follow via email. If you have a prayer request or an update, please send it to office@evcl.org.
Women’s Connections: Thursday morning Bible Study on the The Letters of John. Please join us from 9:30-11 a.m. If you have questions contact Carol Marshall.
Ladies, include us in your Mother’s Day weekend plans for Saturday, May 11th 9-11 a.m. Karla Chandler will be with us as she presents “Corrie ten Boom” in a drama presentation. This is a RSVP Saturday Gathering Event. Write Corrie ten Boom and your name in the Friendship Register or RSVP Karen Kissinger at ponderingthetruth@hotmail.com.
And ladies … Night of Encouragement. A good opportunity to bring a friend and enjoy a night out. Our first night is June 5 from 7-8 pm at Karen Flatebo’s home. karen.flatebo@sbcglobal.net
Short Business Meeting: Next Sunday, 4/28, we will have a question and answer session in the great room following the service regarding our west side improvement project. (Handout will be available after church today)
And then the following Sunday, 5/5, we will vote on this project right after the morning service.
Missionary of the week: Please pray for Mark & Brenda Brown, Kansas, this week.
Hour in the kitchen is back! Could you help organize or do some light cleaning? Do you like having coffee with friends or getting to meet new friends? Join us Friday, May 10, 9:30 am as we do a bit of spring cleaning/organizing in our church kitchen. Contact Karen Flatebo for more info.
And looking ahead: Save the date, Sunday, June 23, VCL picnic following the morning service!
Giving & Financial Update
It’s important that we continue to embody our trust in the Lord’s provision through faithful, sacrificial giving. Please visit http://evcl.org/give/ and make your offering as an intentional act of faith.
Although online giving is available, you may also write and mail your checks to Village Church of Lincolnshire, 201 Riverwoods Rd, Lake Forest, IL 60045
General Fund Giving for April 2024
Last Week Year to Date
Actual Giving April 14, 2024…………………………… $13,178……………………………$148,543
General Fund Budget 2024 …………………………… $10,164……………………………$ 152,458
Variation to Budget ……………………………………………$3,014 ……………………………($ 3,915)
Please download today’s Order of Worship. Sermon notes included with Order of Worship.
This Sunday’s stream will be available on 4/21 at 10:30 AM. You can access it any time by clicking here.