Who We Are and Why

This Sunday, we’ll gather to worship the Lord and who he has made us in Christ. Through singing, prayers and the Word we’ll celebrate our unity in Christ and give God thanks for Pastor Casey and Danielle’s ministry with us at VCL. Pastor Jim Renke will lead us through Galatians 2:15-21. We will see that in a world, where our understanding of who we are is used as a basis of division, the gospel reminds us that who we are as Messiah-people is the basis of living our lives together in Christ.

General Announcements

Hour in the Word 9 a.m. Our topic is Cultural Engagement: Being Salty and Smelly! Join us for this session during the months of June and July. Carol Marshall and Sam George will be teaching on the topic of Cultural Engagement. How do we as believers bring God’s goodness into the world around us through the savor and fragrance of Christian love and actions? We’ll define what culture actually is and how the example of Jesus sets a pattern for a truly incarnational faith life. If you’ve never come to the first hour class this would be a great time to give it a try!






We need volunteers for First Hour!  We are in great need for leaders/volunteers for our first hour teaching time for children ages 4-11 for the summer.  Right now, we need help on a bi-weekly basis, but we’d love to talk if you have any interest in helping.  Reach out to Jennie Stanonik at jnjnjnjnj@sbcglobal.net  if you are interested.


  Hot Dog!  It's the Annual Village Church Picnic, Sunday, June 25th following the morning service.  Join us at  Whytegate Park across the street.  Look for The Chicago Hot Dog Cart!  Serving will start at 12:30. There will be plenty of room to spread out and enjoy the great outdoors.  Pickle ball or basketball?  Bring your equipment!  Please share a dish with us too:  If your name begins with A-M bring a salad or side dish; N-Z bring a dessert!  And please bring your own chairs.  Questions?  Contact Karen at 847.962.6784 or call Jan in the church office.  SIGN UP in the foyer. 









Giving & Financial Update

It’s important that we continue to embody our trust in the Lord’s provision through faithful, sacrificial giving. Please visit http://evcl.org/give/ and make your offering as an intentional act of faith.

Although online giving is available, you may also write and mail your checks to Village Church of Lincolnshire, 201 Riverwoods Rd, Lake Forest, IL 60045

General Fund Giving for June 2023

                                                                      Last Week                  Year to Date

Actual Giving June 11, 2023 ………………… $8,794..…………………… $ 225,058

General Fund Budget 2023 ………………… $11,707 ……………………… $ 280,960

Variation to Budget …………………………… ($2,913) ……………………… ($55,902)




Please download today’s Order of Worship. Sermon notes included with Order of Worship.

This Sunday’s stream will be available on 6/18 at 10:30 AM. You can access it any time by clicking here.


Don’t Let Go Of Faith


What God Says About His Character