A Clear Witness
This Sunday we will focus our worship on the God of gods, as Nebuchadnezzar called him. He is the one who holds the future. Through singing, prayers, fellowship and the Word, we’ll celebrate God and rededicate ourselves to be faithful witnesses in our world. Pastor Jim Renke will be preaching finishing up Daniel 2 and Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.
General Announcements
We Can Stand Sermon Series: Sometimes the world feels like it’s hurling through space without rhyme or reason. Daniel reminds us that God is at work and the chaos we see in the nations is really an order of things that will end in the eternal Kingdom of God being established.
Daniel, as a man gives us a great example of how we can stand firm in the midst of the chaos, even when we are separated from the home where we belong. Through integrity, faithful practices, deep faith and a godly community of friends, Daniel presented a consistent, powerful witness of God in a foreign land.
Hour in the Word! Join Pastor Casey and our pastoral intern, Sam George, for Hour in the Word (9am class in the Great room). This year our theme is “Living as Exiles: serving Christ in a non-Christian World,” and we begin with a six-week series covering the stories of Ruth, Jonah and Esther. These important books give us stories of God’s faithfulness in foreign lands and invite us to see ourselves as part of his wider story to bring hope to “every tribe, tongue, and nation.” Join us at 9am!
Thursday Women’s Bible Study: Thursday at 9:30 a.m. in the Great Room. Our study is on 1 & 2 Peter and we heartily welcome any newcomers to join us! If you have questions feel free to contact Carol Marshall, carolsings3@comcast.net or 847-274-9900.
Women’s Saturday Gathering: Ladies, join us for our next Saturday Morning Gathering, February 11th 9:00-11:00. Pam Wunderlich will be our guest speaker encouraging us to “grow in our relationships by loving our neighbor...... loving one another”. You won't want to miss this interactive discussion topic! Light refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Karen Kissinger 847-223-5948.
Young Adult Super Bowl Party February 12th! Join us at Scott and Kim Cordes’ house on, Sunday February 12th for an evening of fellowship and fun as we watch (or don’t watch…) the Super Bowl. This is a great chance to meet the other young people of VCL, and there are plenty of opportunities to get to know people EVEN IF you aren’t a football person! Time: 5:30pm.
You can still join a growth group! While we just had our growth group launch (an easy opportunity to join a growth group), if you are still interested in joining a group, you can reach out to Pastor Casey any time of the year. Growth groups are a vital part of church life at VCL!
Giving & Financial Update
It’s important that we continue to embody our trust in the Lord’s provision through faithful, sacrificial giving. Please visit http://evcl.org/give/ and make your offering as an intentional act of faith.
Although online giving is available, you may also write and mail your checks to Village Church of Lincolnshire, 201 Riverwoods Rd, Lake Forest, IL 60045
General Fund Giving for January 2023
Last Week Year to Date
Actual Giving January 15, 2023 ……………$ 9,674…………..…. $ 22,000
General Fund Budget 2023 ………….……… $11,707 ………..……. $ 35,120
Variation to Budget ……………………..….…. ($2,033)…..…...…… ($ 13,120)
Please download today’s Order of Worship. Sermon notes included with Order of Worship.
This Sunday’s stream will be available on 1/22 at 10:30 AM. You can access it any time by clicking here.