Our Freedom
This morning, we are joining together with friends to worship and serve the Lord together. Pastor Jim Renke will be leading us to see God’s path to freedom. Freedom in God’s kingdom begins and ends with mercy. Let’s learn to step into God’s mercy and offer that mercy to one another.
General Announcements
First Hour is starting September 22! We have two classes. The first will be led by Jim Stamoolis: “How to Read the Bible with Understanding.” And the second will be led by Pastor Jim and will be going through Dallas Willard’s book: “The Divine Conspiracy.”
Growth Group Launch! Growth groups are small groups of VCL people who gather together to learn from God’s Word and encourage, support, exhort, and comfort one another. We have a sign up in the foyer to indicate your interest in joining a small group.
Thursday Women’s Bible Study
Women of all ages please mark your calendars for the start of our weekly Bible Study. On Thursdays beginning September 19, from 9:30-11:00 a.m. we’ll be digging into the book of Ecclesiastes. The study guide we’ll be using is The Wiersby Bible Study Series: Ecclesiastes, and is available for $10 in the foyer. Babysitting is provided. Please plan to join us! If you have questions contact Carol Marshall, carolsings3@comcast.net .
Women’s Connections
RESTED and RESTORED is the theme for this year’s Saturday Gatherings. Ladies, plan to join us on Saturday, October 12, 9am to 1pm for a time of RENEWAL. Author Kay Swatkowski will speak on the topic of ‘Quiet is Our Strength.’ $20 registration includes a box lunch from Panera Bread. Sign up today in the foyer!
Missionary of the week: Please pray for Todd & Jana Patterson, Slovakia, this week.
Villages Voices: Choir is around the corner, and sign-ups and rehearsal dates are out! Music will be chosen based on the group we gather, so please sign up today or next week if you think you might be interested. Excited to be together and sing once again! Questions? Track down Kacie, or email her at Kswierk@evcl.org.
Virtual Prayer Gathering: This Tuesday night, 9/17, 7 pm, we’ll be gathering on Zoom for our prayer meeting. Come join us for a meaningful time of prayer—all from the comfort of your own living room. Zoom details to follow via email. If you have a prayer request or an update, please send it to office@evcl.org.
VCL Men : Please mark your calendar for the Men’s Fellowship & Prayer on Saturday 9/21 at 8:00 a.m.
Ministry Opportunity: On Saturday, 9/21, we have an opportunity to help those in need with furniture deliveries and pickups. We meet at Love INC at 8am-noon to load the trucks. Those who are able, please contact Ernie Brandt at coachb1925@aol.com or 224-217-1966. The address is 339 Lakewood Ave. in Waukegan.
Giving & Financial Update
It’s important that we continue to embody our trust in the Lord’s provision through faithful, sacrificial giving. Please visit http://evcl.org/give/ and make your offering as an intentional act of faith.
Although online giving is available, you may also write and mail your checks to Village Church of Lincolnshire, 201 Riverwoods Rd, Lake Forest, IL 60045
YTD August
Normal Operations *$ Actual Budget Variance
Genl Contrib & Int 289,197 352,347 (63,149)
Expenses 256,448 333,677 (77,229)
Surplus/Deficit 32,749 18,669 14,080
*Excludes non-recurring items (special gifts) or items budgeted for over years (Capital, major maintenance)
General Fund Giving for September 2024
Last Week Year to Date
Actual Giving September 8, 2024…………..…………$10,805…………………………… $301,310
General Fund Budget 2024 …………………………… $ 10,164 …………………………… $365,898
Variation to Budget …………………………………………… $641 …………………………… ($64,588)
Please download today’s Order of Worship. Sermon notes included with Order of Worship.
This Sunday’s stream will be available on 9/15 at 10:30 AM. You can access it any time by clicking here.