Our Relationship With The Truth
God in his infinite grace has given us the opportunity to worship him together this week. We’ll gather around prayer, song, and the Word to praise and honor him. Pastor Jim Renke will continue his series, I Can Relate, through 1 John. In this message, he will remind us of the one truth that must shape everything else we believe - the truth that Jesus is the Christ of God.
General Announcements
First Hour Classes:
Sent: Living a Life That Invites Others to Jesus, by Heather and Ashley Holleman. Plan to join Carol Marshall & Miranda George as we read this book together and encourage one another in the journey of sharing our faith in Christ. Books are available and class members will read one chapter per week with discussion questions.
VCL Beliefs - This class will go through the doctrinal statement of VCL. Each week we will focus on a separate article of faith. This would also serve as the doctrine review for future membership. If you’re curious, confused, or committed, this may be a class that strengthens your understanding of God and VCL. The class is led by Pastor Jim and Elder Jim Stamoolis.
VCL Youth– Join us tonight, Sunday, 01/28 at 6:00 pm as Miranda highlights what the Bible tells us what it is to have a flourishing life. Hosted by the Wall family. There will be a Build-Your-Own Taco Station, so come hungry!
Missionary of the week: Please pray for Sarah Esau, France, this week.
Women’s Connections: Thursday morning Bible Study on the Psalms. Please join us from 9:30-11 a.m. If you have questions contact Carol Marshall.
Ladies, we invite you to our next Saturday Gathering on February 10th for a MOSAIC MINI Prayer Retreat 9-11 am. Jan Carlson will share her understanding on COURAGE to pray. We will also take part in an individual and group prayer experience you won’t want to miss. For information contact Karen Kissinger.
The Trinity Clothes Horse could use your help! Volunteers are needed. As little or as much time as you are able. For more information, please email Mamtha at zmsamuel@tiu.edu
The First Village Vine of 2024 Is Here! Don’t forget to pick up your Vine after the service today to see what’s happening at VCL!
VCL Blood Drive—Our Red Cross blood drive is Monday, February 5. Please give if you are able. Appointments are scheduled every 15 minutes from 1:00—6:00p.m. To get the time you want, contact Ed Manzo or sign up on the Red Cross blood donor website.
Volunteers needed to host people as they come to donate. Please call or email the church office to help out.
VCL Men : Please mark your calendar for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast on Saturday February 3 at 8:00 a.m.
Giving & Financial Update
It’s important that we continue to embody our trust in the Lord’s provision through faithful, sacrificial giving. Please visit http://evcl.org/give/ and make your offering as an intentional act of faith.
Although online giving is available, you may also write and mail your checks to Village Church of Lincolnshire, 201 Riverwoods Rd, Lake Forest, IL 60045
General Fund Giving for January 2024
Last Week Year to Date
Actual Giving January 21, 2024………………………… $4,948………………………… $ 18,055
General Fund Budget 2024 ……………………………… $10,164 ……………………… $ 30,492
Variation to Budget ………………………………………… ($5,216) ………………………… ($12,437)
Please download today’s Order of Worship. Sermon notes included with Order of Worship.
This Sunday’s stream will be available on 1/28 at 10:30 AM. You can access it any time by clicking here.