A Song of Glory
We are progressing through our season of anticipation this third Sunday of Advent. Through song, prayer and the Word, we will reflect on the exalted Christ. He truly does reign as King right now. All powers operate under his authority, and we do too, with humility, love and obedience to his will. Pastor Jim Renke will continue the series, “A Song for the Ages” from Philippians 2:9-11.
General Announcements
Hour in the Word theme and Schedule for 2023: Every year, we strive during Hour in the Word (9-10am) to provide high-quality teaching that takes God’s Word and the call of Christ seriously. Next year our theme will be “Living as Exiles: serving Christ in a non-Christian world.” We’ve got an exciting lineup of series planned:
Hope in A foreign Land: The stories of Esther, Ruth, and Jonah (January 8th-February 19th) Co-taught with Sam George.
By the waters of Babylon: The Psalms of Exile (February 26th-March 26th)
The God of all Goodness: knowing, living, and enjoying the good (April 16th-June 25th)
Seek the Good of the City: engaging our culture for Christ (July 9th-August 6th)
Living as Exiles: the Letters of Peter, James, and John (Aug 13th-December 17th)
Year-End Giving – For any gifts to be credited in 2022, they must be received by December 31, 2022 or postmarked no later than December 31, 2022. The last day that the church office will be open is Friday, December 30 (9 a.m. – 12 p.m.). Of course, you can give your year-end gift on Sunday, December 25 at VCL. If anyone is considering an end of the year stock gift, please obtain the standard form for this from Bob Betts, Chairman of our Financial Committee. Please notify Bob when in 2022 the stock transfer has been requested so that your gift can be credited as a 2022 contribution.
You can still join a growth group! While we just had our growth group launch (an easy opportunity to join a growth group), if you are still interested in joining a group, you can reach out to Pastor Casey any time of the year. Growth groups are a vital part of church life at VCL!
Thursday Morning Bible Study at 9:30 a.m. will resume on January 5, 2023. Please join us for a study of 1 & 2 Peter. The relevance of these books to today’s social and religious climate makes them a particularly interesting study. If you have any questions feel free to contact Carol Marshall, carolsings3@comcast.net.
Welcome Center: We hope you’ve noticed, we frequently have treats to go with our coffee at the welcome center on Sundays. You are invited to contribute at a time that works for you (and we have openings on our schedule.) Some ideas are: a purchased sheet cake (possibly celebrating a special birthday?) homemade cookies or bars, a bowl of cuties or apples or a salty snack. You may have another idea, I’d love to hear it! To schedule a Sunday and find out more info, please email karen.flatebo@sbcglobal.net.
Giving & Financial Update
It’s important that we continue to embody our trust in the Lord’s provision through faithful, sacrificial giving. Please visit http://evcl.org/give/ and make your offering as an intentional act of faith.
Although online giving is available, you may also write and mail your checks to Village Church of Lincolnshire, 201 Riverwoods Rd, Lake Forest, IL 60045
General Fund Giving for December 2022
Last Week Year to Date
Actual Giving December 4, 2022 ……………..$33,366………..…. $506,585
General Fund Budget 2022 ………….……… $11,415 …….……. $559,343
Variation to Budget ……………………….…. $21,951 …….…… ($ 52,758)
Please download today’s Order of Worship. Song lyrics and sermon notes included with Order of Worship.
This Sunday’s stream will be available on 12/11 at 10:30 AM. You can access it any time by clicking here.